miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Dia Dos

I am going to do my best to blog everyday but it probably won't happen. lol So it is now 9:15 pm and my roommate and I along with others are trying to force ourselves to stay away so that we can sleep through the night which is clearly difficult, when I get back to Maryland I promise I will be in a coma for like 2 weeks! Anyways, i mad a mental note to self that i probably will not go to breakfast very often, its really hard for me to adjust to the food, I honestly don't like it so at this point I am eating only for survival lol. Maybe things will get better with time, but I doubt it seeing how this is still college and good food is typically not an option!

Hmm so what did I do today?....

Well this morning my roommate and I made our way to breakfast. Since it was the first breakfast we decided to go and see what they had. For breakfast I had some eggs, slightly watery -__-, and I tired some cereal which was also a fail because I think it was supposed to be corn flakes but it was completely bland and tasted stale, and last I had a plum which I actually ate. After breakfast we attended orientation. We went on a tour of the campus, took our placement tests and then went to lunch. My placement test was really nerve racking because a lot of the information I could not remember but I sure did try my best! For lunch I ate some lasagna surprise (which was pretty good lol) and some salad. The only salad dressing they have is vinaigrette and I really don't like it soooo I made my own salad dressing from ketchup and mayonnaise (don't judge me).After lunch we resumed orientation where they went over the rules regarding travel and etc. 

After orientation we loaded the buses for our first adventure to the grocery store, it is kind of like a Walmart. Being in a store where every price is in Euro is kind of confusing so I made sure I got an app for that!  We also went to the beach today,  it is off of the Mediterranean sea and I loved it there. It was kind of overcast and chilly today so we didnt get in the water. I just wish it was in walking distance from school. Its about a 5 mile walk, which would be DEATH. 

I remembered today that using wifi I could text all my friends that have iphones and I got an app to text everyone else, the thing is I only get wifi sitting outside by the library. I cant complain though I have met some really cool people here but im still adjusting to being in a foreign place. 

Well I am going to try to go to sleep now because I am super tired, 



P.S. I will post pictures soon

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