martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Hola Spain!

Hello everyone, I have decided to make blog to document my trip here in Spain. I left Monday morning, and it is now Wednesday morning here. Although the plane ride was not relativity bad I hardly got to sleep because of how uncomfortable I was. So needless to say I go through my first day in Spain working off of 5 hours of sleep in a 48 hour time frame. 

I can already see that this is going to be a trying experience for me. In situations like this I just have to trust and believe that God has my back. I will be hard adjusting to the 6 hour time difference, the food, and the overall distance from my family. I am thankful that I at least have internet connection from my room so i wont be totally disconnected for the next three months. 

Honestly speaking, it really has not hit me that I am living on a completely different continent for 3 whole months! At the moment my biggest fear is not being able to catch on the language quick enough. It became a reality when everyone around me was talking and I could only pick up a few things here and there. Being in Spain really has me out of my element but I have met some really great people already! I sure I will be fine. The anxiety for the test I have in a couple hours is real, I feel totally unprepared. As I said before i just have to trust that God knows what He is doing and try not to stress. 

At 12am when you will probably just be heading to bed I will be heading to breakfast at 7am, imagine that! Anyways I am going to attempt to go to sleep again.

Buenos dias y buenos noches,


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